martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Prrrresentation of mah-self

This is so freaking fun. Well, as you can see, I didn't made a "formal" presentation of myself .. . so here it is! My name is Pauline, I'm something different. 17, Tall, Brunette, I'm basically the biggest sweetheart you will ever meet. Mexicali is where my heart is at. Every girl says they're "different", but I'm not every girl. People who don't know me think I'm quiet. People who know me wish I was. I'm really closed off about my feelings. If I open up to you, You must mean a lot to me. I envy people who speak their mind. Because that's something I can't do. You'll have a hard time understanding me because I honestly don't understand myself. If you actually know me, you'll know I'm the goofiest girl ever. I love to make people smile. I'm definitely not a girly-girl, I'm a little weird. I'm a party girl and always down for a good time. I see things differently from others. I'll believe in you when no one else does. I won't judge you. Sooo don't be afraid to be yourself with me. I'm a fun girl with a big personality and an even bigger heart. I don't hate anyone. I'll love you like no other and with open arms. I have serious trust issues. & I absolutely can not stand liars. Don't hide stuff from me. Because I'll find out and you will hate life. I believe in karma & I believe that bad things happen to good people. I don't ever like to give up on things, but sometimes I need to know when to let go. I give people one too many chances. I forgive way too easily. If you start drama with me i'll just ignore you because it's pointless. If you don't like me, then you don't know me. I’m just one girl who’s been through a lot, and still manage to hold my head up high and fake a smile for the world to see. I promise you, I'm worth sticking around for.

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