sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Bye-bye August

August is over and I will NEVER get over it. It's like summer just broke up with me after three romantic months of dancing in the sweet moonlight. What did I do to deserve getting dumped by my fave season EVER? Trying to alleviate the pain of heartbreak by getting in the fall groove, but we all know Autumn is such a rebound.
Who needs a real boyfriend when you can play pretend with a pair of baggy jeans? Nope, I didn't sleep over at my main squeeze's house last night or steal his pants in the morning. I just got me a pair of look-a-likes and spared myself the petty troubles of a commitment: obligatory phone calls, awkward dinner silences, PDA. The only relationship I'll ever embrace, arms wide open, is the one I have with my wardrobe. I mean, why not date your clothes?? They see you naked (feel you naked,) make you feel pretty, and never give you any sass when you tell them that they're a little out of season and you need space. So drama-free. Jealous, boys? Btw, I was just kidding about all the "boyfriend" thingy. Heheh

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